Recommended Reading
Capoeira Angola: A Primer for Beginners
A must-read for anyone interested in learning about the art and it’s traditions.
Capoeira On the Periphery
An interview Contra-Mestre Pererê did with Mestre Nô back in 2003.
Vadiação de Oxossi
The website of the group we are a part of, with some excellent reading on capoeira as it relates to preparedness and bushcraft.
Capoeira Angola Oxossi
The Facebook page for Capoeira Angola Oxossi
A vast source of information regarding the old Capoeira masters. Well-worth immersing oneself into.
Recommended Videos
Capoeira is a very diverse art with distinct lineages and different philosophies. Here are some examples of videos of Capoeira we appreciate and are inspired by.